This Week in Type #1

There are articles you always save for later, send to your Kindle or read during an extended lunch break. These are the texts that break the daily online routine. We’ve put some of the most exciting encounters of the last 7+ days in this post. Let’s take a look and see what we’ll talk about over the weekend:

A Critical Approach To Typefaces


Smashing Magazine goes again beyond the noise and wonders “What is it that makes a typeface or any other design good?”. Simplistic, but legitimate question. Of course, there is no established set of features, but the author believes in a body of knowledge that can provide answers and inform a personal view. He came up with a „condensed recipe on how to approach typefaces critically“ which should help you select your sources and study materials from these sources. Quite enlightening.

Creative Review February: Ken Garland and more

Creative Review

Among many other cool things, the current issue of Creative Review features a major interview with one of the great figures of British design, Ken Garland. The interview was taken on the eve of the publication of a major retrospective book on his life and work. Check out the cover designed by Justin Thomas Kay and featuring a typeface Kay created based on the cover of Garland’s Graphics Handbook.

Breaking The Rules of Typography


The guys at Creative Pro got their hands on an excerpt from the January issue of InDesign Magazin, where graphic designer Nigel French takes a look at when (and why) it’s sometimes a good thing to break the most fundamental rules of good typography. There are 10 rules. Now, go ruffle some feathers…

Awesome experiment in responsive typography uses face detection to adjust font size

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Everybody’s talking about responsive web design, but how often do you hear something about responsive typography? Well, this situation is about to change, as various new techniques encourage type legibility across devices. However, a certain Marko Dugonjić has taken the concept of responsive typography to a new level: using face detection. He calculated the proximity a user is from his or her screen, and then adjusts font size accordingly. It’s looking at you, kid!

Celebrating Cassandre: Gorgeous Vintage Posters by One of History’s Greatest Graphic Designers


The thrill of browsing through this post can only be equaled by a stroll through a Marcel Duchamp exhibition. On second thoughts, maybe not, but you have to admit this is exciting material, and a great opportunity to remember A. M. Cassandre, one of the most influential graphic designers in history. His graphically groundbreaking work and breathtakingly original aesthetic shouldn’t go unnoticed. You’ll even get to see the iconic 1932 Dubonnet wine posters.

Lettering vs Calligraphy

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This is beautiful: a project seeking to bring together both the craft of drawing letters and the art of writing, but at the same time emphasizing and celebrating their differences. Lettering vs Calligraphy, from Berliners Martina Flor and Giuseppe Salerno. Enjoy!

Over: A Photo App For Typography Lovers


We end this roundup with… Over. A simple, easy to use app for adding custom typography to photographs. It comes with 28 unique fonts, although you can add a collection of 200+ additional fonts. Have a playful weekend!

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